Assessment Exam - Miscellaneous Features
Adding "Must Pass" Questions to an Exam
Adding "Must Pass" Questions to an Exam
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Video Transcription
Hi, in this video tutorial, we will show how to set up a self-assessment exam where in addition to having a passing grade, you will also have some questions that user must pass or must answer correctly in order to pass the test. So we're going to set up a self-assessment exam just like we have always been doing. So I'm going to call this an exam with must-pass questions, okay, just so that it is very clear. And I'm just going to add, select the topic. These steps are the same regardless whether the exam has must-pass question or not. You probably want to do it in exam mode just because if we do it in learning mode, it will still work but it doesn't feel the same. You have to have a passing grade in order to have questions that is must-pass, otherwise it just doesn't seem logical, right? So I'm just going to say passing grade is 75%, I will give user unlimited reset, and I'm just going to come down and save and continue. And I'm just going to put in some questions, 50 question IDs that I know that I will be using for this exam. And I'm going to save as continue, I'm not going to let people print it out. And I'm going to go to exam detail and one thing I'm going to do is I will go to advanced options and I'm going to click on edit. And I'm going to check the box that says has must-pass questions, okay? I'm going to check the box, I'm going to click on update. Now that I have checked the box, I can manage which question is must-pass. So I'm just going to pick one, two, three, four, five, six. Six questions randomly to say these six questions are so critical to the knowledge space that's covering the exam that if you get every single question right except one of these six, you consider fail, okay? So I'm just going to update and the close and actually let me just go back to show that that is must-pass, okay? So then what I'm going to do is I am going to publish the course, okay? So now that I have published the course, what I'm going to do is I am going to take the exam as a student. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to fire up another browser and I'm just going to go to it as a tester. So here we go. All right. And I'm going to pretend I'm Aaron Johnson as a learner. In this case, I'm just going to say must-pass. So I'm going to take this test, all right? So here we go. I'm going to get started. So like I said, there are 50 questions. The tester actually does not know which one of the 50 is a must-pass because otherwise you will be giving away the game, right? But what I'm going to do is I'm going to put it on the right-hand side and put this on the left-hand side and I'm going to go to Aaron Johnson. I'm just going to answer the exam for him. So here we go. I'm going to give himself, remember this exam have a 75% passing grade, so I'm just going to give him 95%, okay? So now with that said, I'm going to go to the 50 questions to see, okay, so I randomly answered it. Notice question 8 is a must-pass, okay? So what I'm going to do is I'm going to purposely go to question 8. I need to refresh the screen. I'm going to purposely go to question 8 and I'm going to answer it wrong, all right? Just so that I know he is not going to pass because one of the question that is a must-pass, I purposely answered it wrong, okay? So notice the message actually clearly says that in multiple mandatory pass question, you score zero because you missed at least one. So the idea is as soon as they have missed one question, their score is considered zero because otherwise it's really hard to say, hey, the passing score is 75, you got 90% but you still fail. It will create a very confusing user experience, right? So now what I'm going to do is I'm also going to come over here to show that not only do we fail the user, on the user log, we also say that user failed the exam with two must-pass question answering correctly. And then we actually show you which one is a must-pass with a little plus indicating that it is correct and a little minus meaning that it is missed, right? So this one must-pass, this one is missed. That's the question 8. Anyhow, so this is how the must-pass mechanic works and just to complete this video tutorial, I will actually answer them correctly. So here we go. I'm going to go to user courses as administrator. I will go here and I'm going to go to answers. So question 8, the answer should be B. There we go. And the next one is 44, 44. That's also a must-pass. I'm going to say answer is C. And the next one is 50, 50 is not a must-pass. So actually I'm just going to purposely miss it to show that now that I have answered everything correctly except the last one, but because the last one is not a must-pass question, I'm able to complete the exam and submit the exam. So hopefully this tutorial explains to you how you can sprinkle some questions that is a must-pass and allows you to actually monitor for each user which question is a must-pass and then understand when they fail, why they failed. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video tutorial, the presenter demonstrates how to set up a self-assessment exam with must-pass questions. They explain the process of creating the exam, setting a passing grade of 75%, and selecting which questions are considered must-pass. They also show how the system handles users who fail to answer a must-pass question correctly and display the results for both the user and the administrator. This tutorial aims to guide viewers on how to incorporate must-pass questions into their exams and monitor user performance. No credits were provided.
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self-assessment exam
must-pass questions
passing grade
exam creation
user performance
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